We're back...
...and I bet you didn't even know we were gone, rofl! Too funny :)
Bright and early Wednesday morning, we drove to Dubbo Zoo to spend the night in a tent, admittedly a 5 star tent with tiled floor, beautiful beds and great ensuite, but still a tent! We also got three behind the scenes tours of the zoo, which were just awesome! Tony and I did Zoofari about 12 years ago and loved it then too.
Here are some photos

That's me being silly in a cafe in Dubbo. We visited the Dubbo Gaol while we were there, that was cool, although a little bit freaky. Mary wouldn't go in one of the buildings, she flatly refused. I wonder if she might be a sensitive soul? She also lost one of her teeth while eating her caramel tart in this cafe.

Can you guess what that is? An elephant's tongue! A few photos later I had elephant snot all over me! Her name was YumYum and when she said hello to us, she snotted everywhere!

OMGosh this is the beautiful creature that we got to feed carrots to for breakfast. The previous night, we also got a very closeup look at them from our bus, one of them poked her head in through the bus windows. Amazing!

I just love this pic, the keeper was patting her under her neck and she was stretching out and enjoying it. I think she looks like a toothless old lady.

This is cheeky Peggy at the Cowra Japanese Tea Gardens. It was just beautiful! Peggy was in a surprisingly good mood considering she had scraped the skin from her knee and elbow when she fell off her bike riding around the zoo. This morning she was told to go and wash her face before school, when we realised it was more scrapings and a big bruise on her chin!

This is Billy, who insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain, we let him do it by himself, lol. Okay it's tiny and you can't see him, he's standing above the middle green bush up in the top middle of the photo.
All in all, except for the long, long drive, it was an awesome trip. An expensive one, but certainly worth it for the close encounters with the animals.
Bright and early Wednesday morning, we drove to Dubbo Zoo to spend the night in a tent, admittedly a 5 star tent with tiled floor, beautiful beds and great ensuite, but still a tent! We also got three behind the scenes tours of the zoo, which were just awesome! Tony and I did Zoofari about 12 years ago and loved it then too.
Here are some photos

That's me being silly in a cafe in Dubbo. We visited the Dubbo Gaol while we were there, that was cool, although a little bit freaky. Mary wouldn't go in one of the buildings, she flatly refused. I wonder if she might be a sensitive soul? She also lost one of her teeth while eating her caramel tart in this cafe.

Can you guess what that is? An elephant's tongue! A few photos later I had elephant snot all over me! Her name was YumYum and when she said hello to us, she snotted everywhere!

OMGosh this is the beautiful creature that we got to feed carrots to for breakfast. The previous night, we also got a very closeup look at them from our bus, one of them poked her head in through the bus windows. Amazing!

I just love this pic, the keeper was patting her under her neck and she was stretching out and enjoying it. I think she looks like a toothless old lady.

This is cheeky Peggy at the Cowra Japanese Tea Gardens. It was just beautiful! Peggy was in a surprisingly good mood considering she had scraped the skin from her knee and elbow when she fell off her bike riding around the zoo. This morning she was told to go and wash her face before school, when we realised it was more scrapings and a big bruise on her chin!

This is Billy, who insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain, we let him do it by himself, lol. Okay it's tiny and you can't see him, he's standing above the middle green bush up in the top middle of the photo.
All in all, except for the long, long drive, it was an awesome trip. An expensive one, but certainly worth it for the close encounters with the animals.